Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The neighbor is carving a pumpkin. Semi-naked.

I mean I get it. They are filthy, sloppy, messy things. But dude! You are on your back patio, in your underwear at quarter to nine at night with the lights on.

We're you hot, I'd be perfectly good with this. I'd probably pull out the phone and take a few pics. I'm a perv like that.

Alas! You are not. So please, for me, go put on a shirt at least.

So what else has been happening?

Oh! This was great...

I deprived my kids of internet for a week. They hated me.  And it was awesome. The router overheated and wouldn't turn on. And so, there was no WiFi for them. Of course, half an hour later it was cooled down and completely fine again. But they didn't know this.

We kind of needed a new router anyway. The old one just didn't stand up to all the widgets and gidgits that want to connect in this house. Five computers, two tablets, a PlayStation, XBox and Wii. The TV. At least four of them all wanting to pull internet at all times.

So I left the router off, made them go outside and play, and endured their death stares as I enjoyed the full connectivity of one computer, hard wired to the cable.

It was glorious. Until I really begun to miss having the Xoom in bed. I could have just turned the old router back on. But then all the devices would have lit up like Christmas trees and the jig would have been up.

So I went to the store and bought myself a router from this decade and waved the shiny new box in their faces.

I made them clean and bring me coffee; I black-mailed hugs and kisses out of them and eventually I relented and opened the package. Much to their enjoyment and to promises of not ODing on tech.

So once again, naturally, my house looks like a scene out of The Walking Dead. Glassy-eyed children with Minecraft diamonds sparkling in their eyes. But perhaps, one can hope, with a greater appreciation for all that they have.

At least for a few days...

Random, but this song is great! Listen to it!

And that's all she wrote for tonight, my lovelies. Until next time!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

I got nothin'.

No, really. But it's been a month since I updated this and I thought I should.

So, what's been happening in my life? Not much. Same ole, same ole. Work, kids, mindless procrastination on the internet.

I can't stop listening to this:

We are talking one song, on repeat, for hours. It's a sickness. 

I got a new car. I love her. No, seriously. L-O-V-E, love her! New model this year and the first on the island. Men stare and grab their crotches when I speed by. For realz! It's awesome. Plus, she looks like a Cylon on the inside. She needs a name. A bad-ass name. I'm open to suggestions. 

I ain't no tank-driving soccer mom anymore, yo! Big Pimpin'!
And after... She lights up like a Christmas tree when I come near her.  They say it's the magic fob, I'm still thinking Cylon.
The writing... it's... coming along. Slowly. I see the light at the end of the long tunnel for Hard Candy. Thank god. Still haven't gotten to the actual Hard Candy scene yet though. Oish! 

Let's not even talk about the novel. I just looked at the file; I last opened it on September 2nd. Bad Ky.

And lastly... It's 10/13. Happy Muldermas, X-Philes! Never give up on a miracle for XF3!