Saturday, September 8, 2012

For lack of anything else to write about, and in need of getting the juices flowing (or at least dribbling), I present to you a partial bucket list.

5 Random things that I need to do before I die and why:

Join a campaign. 

Told you it was random. 

"Why?" You might ask. And it would be a good question considering I'm not a citizen of this country and cannot therefore vote. But I still care. I might not be a citizen of this country but I am a resident so I do care. A lot. America has been my home since I was 15. I may miss Australia, I may have some strange attachment to Oz that keeps me from giving up my citizenship and becoming a citizen of the US, but why shouldn't I? Care, that is.

People have ranted to me (using the anonymity of the internet, of course) about how I don't have a right to complain if I'm not a citizen and don't vote. That I should quit with all my political posts and liberal ravings. 

But you know what? Fuck that shit! I pay my taxes, I support our troops, I love my husband and kids who are all born and bred "Yanks". I have every right as a permanent resident that a citizen does, except voting rights. 

So, maybe that's something that I can do. 

Watch Gilmore Girls from start to finish.

"Huh?", you say.

Again. Random.

My "Rib", Nic got me started on this show and I never finished it. 

I love the characters. I love Rory, with all her perfectionist tendencies. I love Lorelei, for her love of coffee and her drive to be more. I love the mother. She's mine, only better dressed. I love the town, the stories, the 90s music and book references. I love it all. 

And yet... I find it hard to keep watching the show. I watch it in fits and spurts and I always enjoy it when I do. I still find myself not going back to continue after a ten hour marathon viewing. It can be months in between these attempts. It confuses me. 

I'm usually such a TV whore. One day I will finish it.

Fire a gun.

What's that I hear? The sound of all my friends and family collectively gasping and falling to the floor in shock?

Yes, I am strongly, morally opposed to guns in the hands of untrained citizens. Yes, I think semi or fully automatic weapons should be outlawed for anybody but a solider or cop on in the line of duty. No, I don't think it's a basic human right and I think they do more harm than good. You will never see one in my house.

That being said. I really wanna pull a trigger. Just once. Maybe a couple times. It looks like fun.

Visit Paris.

(Or travel Europe in general.) 

I've been to tropical places. Thailand, Singapore, Fiji.

And Chris has been to Europe.

We are at a stalemate. He wants tropical, I want historical. I want fresh Parisian baked goods and a fine red wine. A tour through the Louvre, and a walk down Champs Elysees. He wants sex on the beach. Of both varieties. I want to wander through the ruins of a Scottish castle, he'd rather sleep away a week in air conditioned bliss. I want to drink a German Pilsner in a cheesy, touristy, ale house. He'd probably be up for that, but he's done it before. 

So you see, we have a problem here. I think I need a girlfriend vacation. I think I need the money to actually make it happen. 


My godmother was a sky-diver. Professionally. When Czechoslovakia was still Czechoslovakia they had a team and her and her husband, before they escaped, were on it. I have heard stories of how incredible it was. Of the overwhelming fear and the exhilarating freedom. I also heard god-awful stories of how people so horrified by their life in the former communist state, plunged to their deaths by way of skydiving. Just not pulling the chute. And amazing stories of courage. People skydiving their way over the border and to freedom. We always said we would do it together. We never did. 


So, there you have it. Five things that came to mind when I asked myself what I would like to do before I die. 


  1. I love this post. So hard. Can I poke and prod at you later when you hit another stalemate to pick up where this list left off?
